Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Adjunct Professor
Stanford University
Recent Publications
"The Vivaldis of Brescia," Recercare, XXXV (2023), 69-101.
"The Keyboard Transcriptions of J. S. Bach and J. G. Walther, Bach and Mozart: Connections, Patterns, and Pathways, ed. Paul Corneilson (Bach Perspectives, 14), University of Illinois Press 2022: 1-22.
"The Keyboard Transcriptions of J. S. Bach and J. G. Walther, Bach and Mozart: Connections, Patterns, and Pathways, ed. Paul Corneilson (Bach Perspectives, 14), University of Illinois Press 2022: 1-22.
Forthcoming Publications
"Sonata-Scena-Veduta: Bernardo Canal at an delicate cultural intersection," forthcoming.