Janna Israel


Mellon Curator of Academic Engagement


Princeton University Art Museum

Current Research

early modern metallurgy, mining, relics in Venice (15th-20th c), Doge Cristoforo Moro, early modern printing, scuole, mendicant building practices, early modern witness accounts

Recent Publications

“Early Modern Mining Exchanges Across Empires,” eds. Architecture and Extraction in the Atlantic World, 1500-1850, eds. Luis J. Gordo Peláez, Paul B. Niell, New York: Routledge, 2023.

“Bad Memories and Forgotten Histories: The Early Church of San Giobbe, Venice in Dispute,” Evidence and Narrative, Fall 2021.

“John House,” A Generous Vision: Samuel H Kress Professors, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 2018.

“Displaying Sculpture and Performing Publics: Antonio Maria Zanetti’s Delle Antiche Statue,” The Enduring Legacy of Venetian Renaissance Art, New York: Routledge, Spring 2016.

“Burial ‘alguno honore:’ Doge Cristoforo Moro’s Tomb at San Giobbe,” Memoria and Self-Fashioning: The Venetian Doges and Their Tombs, Centro Tedesco, Venice, February 2016.

“The Picture of Poverty: The Confraternity of San Bernardino takes over San Giobbe in Venice,” Confraternitas, September 2014.

“A History Built on Ruins: Venice and the Destruction of the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople/Istanbul,” Future Anterior, Spring 2013.