John Whenham
University of Birmingham UK
Recent Publications
Giovanni Rovetta, Il secondo libro de madrigali (1640), ed. John Whenham (University of Birmingham, Archive of Seventeenth-Century Madrigals and Arias (ASCIMA)
“Perspectives on the Chronology of the First Decade of Public Opera At Venice,” Il Saggiatore musicale 11 (2004), 253–302.
“Monteverdi’s ‘Selva morale e[t] spirituale’ (1641): Some Anomalies Explored Through the Five Exemplars,” Music & Letters 95 (2014), 511–49.
“The Messa a quattro voci et salmi (1650) and Monteverdi’s Venetian Church Music,” Recercare 28 (2016), 89–120.
“La musica sacra veneziana di Monteverdi,” in "Monteverdi a San Marco: Venezia 1613-1643," ed. Rodolfo Baroncini and Marco Di Pasquale (Lucca: LIM, 2020), 273–313.
“Perspectives on the Chronology of the First Decade of Public Opera At Venice,” Il Saggiatore musicale 11 (2004), 253–302.
“Monteverdi’s ‘Selva morale e[t] spirituale’ (1641): Some Anomalies Explored Through the Five Exemplars,” Music & Letters 95 (2014), 511–49.
“The Messa a quattro voci et salmi (1650) and Monteverdi’s Venetian Church Music,” Recercare 28 (2016), 89–120.
“La musica sacra veneziana di Monteverdi,” in "Monteverdi a San Marco: Venezia 1613-1643," ed. Rodolfo Baroncini and Marco Di Pasquale (Lucca: LIM, 2020), 273–313.
Forthcoming Publications
Alessandro Grandi, "Cantade et arie. Libro terzo (1626) & Libro quarto (1629)," ed. John Whenham & Dennis Collins (Corpus mensurabilis musicae, 112/XVIII (American Institute of Musicology, forthcoming 2023).
Two essays for 'Barbara Strozzi in Context', ed. Wendy Heller and Beth Glixon (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming):
1. Sketching a Context for the Refrain Structures in
Barbara Strozzi’s Primo libro de madrigali (1644).
2. Barbara Strozzi, Nicolò Fontei, and the Accademia degli Unisoni.
An edition of the "Ghirlanda sacra (1625)" compiled by the San Marco castrato Leonardo Simonetti.
An edition of Giovanni Rovetta, "Madrigali concertati ... libro primo" )1629).
Two essays for 'Barbara Strozzi in Context', ed. Wendy Heller and Beth Glixon (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming):
1. Sketching a Context for the Refrain Structures in
Barbara Strozzi’s Primo libro de madrigali (1644).
2. Barbara Strozzi, Nicolò Fontei, and the Accademia degli Unisoni.
An edition of the "Ghirlanda sacra (1625)" compiled by the San Marco castrato Leonardo Simonetti.
An edition of Giovanni Rovetta, "Madrigali concertati ... libro primo" )1629).