Celeste McNamara
Dublin City University
www.celestemcnamara.comCurrent Research
'Sin in the Serenissima: Policing Illicit Sexuality in Early Modern Venice'
Recent Publications
“Pastoral Care,” in The Cambridge Companion to the Council of Trent, ed. Nelson Minnich, 225-241. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
“Schism in the stato da mar: the Bishop of Padua and Missions in South-Eastern Europe” Historični seminar (Historical Seminar) 14, (2021): 29-46.
The Bishop’s Burden: Reforming the Catholic Church in Early Modern Italy (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020).
“Molding the Model Bishop from Trent to Vatican II,” Church History 88, (2019): 58-86.
“Schism in the stato da mar: the Bishop of Padua and Missions in South-Eastern Europe” Historični seminar (Historical Seminar) 14, (2021): 29-46.
The Bishop’s Burden: Reforming the Catholic Church in Early Modern Italy (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020).
“Molding the Model Bishop from Trent to Vatican II,” Church History 88, (2019): 58-86.
Forthcoming Publications
“Priests Behaving Badly: The Problem of Scandal in the Early Modern Catholic Church,” The Journal of Modern History (forthcoming).
“The Impact of Catholic Reform on Mannerist Altarpieces” in Devotio Maniera: The Mannerist Altarpiece in Italy circa 1550, edited by Steven Cody and Tiffany Hunt .
“The Impact of Catholic Reform on Mannerist Altarpieces” in Devotio Maniera: The Mannerist Altarpiece in Italy circa 1550, edited by Steven Cody and Tiffany Hunt .