Jonathan Glixon


Professor emeritus


University of Kentucky

Current Research

Music and ceremony in early modern Venice; Patrician dilettante composers in 18th-century Venice (Venier, Morosini, Tiepolo, Corner, Moro-Lin); bells of Venice; festival books; poetry by women

Recent Publications

“Hidden in Plain Sight (and Hearing): Venetian Bell Towers and Their Bells” and “The View and Its Relevance Today – Venice Then and Now: Church Bell Towers” in Kristin Love Huffman, ed. A Marvelous View: Jacopo de’ Barbari’s Venice (Durham: Duke University Press, 2024), pp. 189-198 and 331-333.

Forthcoming Publications

“Patrician Pomp: Ceremony and Celebration for New Procuratori in Early Modern Venice,” in Francesca Fantappie, ed. La gestion financière des spectacles et de la musique en Europe aux 16e et 17e siècles (Brepols, 2024)

“The Changing Modes of the Venetian Ceremonial Soundscape”: The Soundscape of Early Modern Venice (in press, 2024)

“The Choir of the Church of San Rocco and its Music,” La Chiesa di San Rocco: spazio di culto confraternale e santuario. Proceedings of the Convegno internazionale di studi, Venice, December 2021 (forthcoming, 2024)

“What is a Dedication?” and “The Religious Landscape of Early-Modern Venice” in Wendy Heller and Beth Glixon, eds., Barbara Strozzi in Context (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2025).

(with Beth L. Glixon, et. al.) Critical edition of Francesco Cavalli, Eritrea, in The Operas of Francesco Cavalli, Ellen Rosand and Lorenzo Bianconi, general editors (Baerenreiter; under contract)

“Venetian Confraternities and Their Bells,” Confraternitas (in progress, 2025)

A Census of Venetian Festival Books, 1500-1797