Patricia Fortini Brown


Professor Emerita


Princeton University

Current Research

Venetian history and art history, Mediterranean studies

"Venice Outside Venice": an artistic and cultural geography of Venice and its empire

Recent Publications

Carpaccio in Venice: a guide, ed. Gabriele Matino and Patricia Fortini Brown (Venice: Marsilio Editori, 2020)

Carpaccio a Venezia: itinerari, ed. Gabriele Matino and Patricia Fortini Brown (Venice: Marsilio Editori, 2020)

Prologue to Maria Bergamo, Alessandro, il cavaliere, il doge: Le placchette profane della Pala d’Oro di San Marco (Venetia / Venezia 11) (Rome-Bristol: «L’Erma» di Bretschneider, 2022).

The Venetian Bride: Bloodlines and Blood Feuds in Venice and its Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)

“The Chosen City,” in Venetia 1600. Births and Rebirths, ed. Robert Echols, Frederick Ilchman, Gabriele Matino, Andrea Bellieni (Milan: Consorzio Museum Musei, 2021), 32-40.

“La città eletta,” in Venetia 1600: Nascite e Rinascite, ed. Robert Echols, Frederick Ilchman, Gabriele Matino, Andrea Bellieni, (Milan: Consorzio Museum Musei, 2021), 32-40.

“The Other Francesco Morosini,” Artibus et historiae, no. 84 [XLII] (2021): 149-194.

“The wellhead as an amenity of Venetian urban space,” in A View of Venice: Portrait of a Renaissance City, ed. Kristin Love Huffman (Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2024), 176-188.

Forthcoming Publications

"Venice Outside Venice: A Fortified Empire of Fragments," keynote lecture at University of Cambridge, International Conference, Jesus College, “Stato da Mar: The Venetian Mediterranean as a Cultural and Artistic Space,” 14 October 2023, to be published in a collection of the conference papers.