Nevin Zeynep Yelçe


Sabancı University

Current Research

16th century information networks

Recent Publications

“Friends and Foes: Ambassadorial Receptions at the Ottoman Camp in Niš and Belgrade (1532),” in Culture and Diplomacy: Ambassadors as Cultural Actors in the Ottoman-European Relations from 16th to 19th Centuries, R. Eisendle, S. Suner, and H. E. Weidinger (eds.), (Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag 2023), pp. 379-409.

“Islands as Transit Posts in the News Networks of Early Sixteenth Century,” (with Ela Bozok), in European Islands Between Isolated and Interconnected Life Worlds, F. Schön, L. Dierksmeier, A. Kouremenos, A. Condit, and V. Palmowski (eds.), (Tübingen: University of Tübingen Press 2021), pp. 113-130.