Katherine Jansen
Catholic University of America
https://history.catholic.edu/faculty-and-research/faculty-profiles/jansen-katherine/index.htmlCurrent Research
Book project: The Relics of Rome
Article: "The Veil of Veronica in Premodern in Rome"
Article: "The Veil of Veronica in Premodern in Rome"
Recent Publications
Peace and Penance in Late Medieval Italy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018; pb. 2020)
“Mary Magdalene within and beyond the Cloister,” in press for Oxford Handbook of Mary Magdalene (Oxford University Press, on-line version, 2024; print, 2025).
“Mary Magdalene within and beyond the Cloister,” in press for Oxford Handbook of Mary Magdalene (Oxford University Press, on-line version, 2024; print, 2025).