Basile Baudez


Associate professor


Princeton university

Current Research

Venitian art and urbanism in the 18th century.

Recent Publications

Inessential Colors: Architecture on Paper in Early Modern Europe (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021).
Textile in Architecture from the Middle Ages to Modernism, with P. Blessing and D. Ekici (London: Routledge, 2023).
“La Bastilla, ante y después de 1789.” In Madrid 1800-1833. Ideales y proyectos para una capital de la época de las revoluciones, edited by Adrián Almoguera (Madrid: Ayutamiento de Madrid, 2022): 220-227.
“Architecture and interiors.” In A Cultural History of Color: the Enlightenment, edited by C. Biggam and K. Wolf (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021): 173-189.
“L’enseignement de l’architecture à Paris sous le Consulat et l’Empire”, and “Les institutions de l’architecture sous le Consulat et l’Empire: gérer l’héritage révolutionnaire en régime monarchique”, in Bâtir pour Napoléon: une Architecture Franco-Italienne, edited by L. Tedeschi, J.P. Garric, and D. Rabreau (Mendrisio: Archivio del Moderno, 2021): 65-110.

Forthcoming Publications

Carceral Architecture: From Within and Beyond the Prison Walls, ed. with Victoria Bergbauer (Berlin: Jovis, 2025).