Kyriaco Nikias


University Assistant (prae-doc)


University of Vienna

Current Research

The Venetian administration of Ithaca; the legal form of class structures in colonies under Venetian rule; class and state power

Recent Publications

‘Class and society in Ithaca under Tocco and early Venetian rule (1357–ca. 1600)’, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 47(1) 54–70.

Review of Petros Vlachos, Εκκρεμείς λογαριασμοί της Ιθάκης με την μεσαιωνική & ενετική Ιστορία (της). Mediterranean Historical Review (2022), 37:126-9.

Forthcoming Publications

"The governors of Venetian Ithaca", Annual of the British School at Athens (2024, forthcoming).

"The archive of the Venetian administration of Ithaca" (forthcoming).