Postal Intelligence: The Tassis Family and Communications Revolution in Early Modern Europe

Cornell University Press announces the publication of Rachel Midura’s book, Postal Intelligence: The Tassis Family and Communications Revolution in Early Modern Europe. The book connects and situates histories of the post and government intelligence alongside print technology and state power in the wider context of the early modern communications revolution. In the sixteenth century, postal services became central to domestic governance and foreign policy enterprises, extended government reach and surveillance, and offered new control over the public sphere. Rachel Midura focuses on the Tassis family, members of which served as official postmasters to the Venetians, dukes of Milan, the pope, Spanish kings, and Holy Roman emperors. Using administrative records and family correspondence, she follows the Bergamaschi Tassis family, their agents, and their rivals as their influence expanded from northern Italy across Europe. Postal Intelligence shows how postmasters and postmistresses were key players in early modern diplomacy, commerce, and journalism, whose ultimate success depended on both administrative ingenuity and strategic ambiguity. Available in Open Access. (Cornell University Press, 2025) ISBN: 9781501779923

Venezia e I Mongoli: Commercio e diplomazia sulle vie della seta nel medioevo (secoli XIII-XV)

Nel XIII secolo Venezia era la potenza marittima dominante del Mediterraneo e i Mongoli i padroni di un impero immenso che comprendeva Cina, Persia, Russia e Asia Centrale. La conquista mongola integrò politiche ed economie regionali in uno spazio continentale in cui fiorirono scambi commerciali e relazioni diplomatiche. Dall’unione tra i circuiti continentali controllati dai Mongoli e le rotte marittime che portavano all’Europa, gestite da Genova e Venezia, scaturirono enormi possibilità. 

Il punto d’incontro e collegamento fu il Mar Nero, dove fiorirono insediamenti italiani, crocevia di genti, culture, e merci. Se la presenza più cospicua fu genovese, Venezia fu attiva protagonista, con le sue specifiche sfide e realtà. I rapporti tra Mongoli e Veneziani sono oggetto per la prima volta di una ricostruzione che chiarisce gli intrecci, i rapporti, le difficoltà e le ambizioni di entrambe le parti in una prospettiva di storia globale. Nicola Di Cosmo e Lorenzo Pubblici (Viella, 2022) ISBN: 9791254690055.

Storia delle Venezie, vol. 2, Popolazioni e società delle Venezie

Il volume riunisce saggi dedicati alla storia sociale e all’evoluzione demografica dell’ampio territorio che va dalle Alpi al Po, dal golfo di Trieste a Bolzano. L’arco di tempo considerato è amplissimo, l’osservazione inizia infatti dalla romanizzazione delle Venezie e si spinge fino a considerare alcuni dei problemi più urgenti del giorno d’oggi. I temi sono declinati senza ricorrere a specialismi, partendo dal punto di vista delle popolazioni e delle loro componenti sociali. 

Area aperta, per ragioni geografiche, alle contaminazioni e agli scambi, queste regioni hanno attraversato in modo del tutto originale alcune fasi storiche decisive per il nostro Paese, dalla ristrutturazione sociale e demografica del Seicento all’avvio della transizione demografica, dalla grande emigrazione transoceanica ottocentesca alla più recente immigrazione di carattere economico. Una lunga vicenda storica che ha dato vita ad una delle macroregioni più aperte, dinamiche e stimolanti d’Europa. A cura di Irene Barbiera, Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna e Andrea Zannini (Viella, 2021) ISBN: 9788833137711.

Storia delle Venezie, vol. 3, Governi e forme della politica nelle Venezie

Questo volume ricostruisce l’alternarsi delle diverse istituzioni politiche che hanno interessato i territori delle Venezie, dall’antichità fino ai giorni nostri. Resta così definito uno spazio macroregionale dai confini certo mutevoli, di quelle Venetiae che papa Gregorio Magno riconobbe già alla fine del VI secolo come un ambito omogeneo e che si dimostra ancora adatto a riconoscere continuità e discontinuità, in senso cronologico e territoriale. L’ordinamento dei tredici saggi che lo compongono segue il classico asse diacronico dell’età antica, medievale, moderna e contemporanea, con l’eccezione di una cesura all’inizio del XV secolo, segnato dalle conquiste veneziane in terraferma. I caratteri fondamentali dei diversi periodi storici sono indicati dalle “parole chiave” del titolo dei singoli contributi, che riassumono il significato complessivo dell’interpretazione storica. A cura di Francesco Bianchi e Walter Panciera (Viella, 2022) ISBN: 9791254692165.

Playful Pictures: Art, Leisure, and Entertainment in the Venetian Renaissance Home

In Playful Pictures, Chriscinda Henry explores the rise of private art collection in Renaissance Venice as a diporto, or pastime, practiced within a kaleidoscopic matrix of domestic leisure that encompassed the recitation of poetry and tales, games, music making, amateur theatrical activity, and the conversational arts.

Between around 1490 and 1550, a new class of pictures emerged in Venice. These images―primarily paintings but also drawings, prints, book illustrations, and historiated architectural elements―feature quotidian, festive, allusive, and performative subjects that catered to the cultural and intellectual interests of avant-garde patrons and collectors. Several generations of Venetian artists, including Vittore Carpaccio, Giorgione, Titian, Sebastiano del Piombo, Giovanni Cariani, Bernardino Licinio, and Paris Bordon, rose to meet the demand of modern collectors seeking entertaining artworks that could speak to their personal values and taste. Playful Pictures connects painting and the graphic arts with other art forms engaged in the home: vernacular literature and the novella tradition; pastoral music, verse, and theater; urban dialect comedies; and carnival and ludic culture. Taking an interdisciplinary approach that treats these pursuits as linked forms of creative practice, Henry argues that they served as dynamic forms of personal and collective expression for patrons, collectors, artists, and other virtuosi seeking to express a new set of secular values and a contingent notion of selfhood.

Incorporating fresh evidence from archival sources, this book expands the discourse on Renaissance art by situating it within the growing, and increasingly nuanced, scholarly understanding of Renaissance leisure and entertainment culture. (Penn State University Press, 2022) ISBN: 9780271089119.

The Performance of Sculpture in Renaissance Venice 

This study reveals the broad material, devotional, and cultural implications of sculpture in Renaissance Venice. Examining a wide range of sources―the era’s art-theoretical and devotional literature, guidebooks and travel diaries, and artworks in various media―Lorenzo Buonanno recovers the sculptural values permeating a city most famous for its painting. The book traces the interconnected phenomena of audience response, display and thematization of sculptural bravura, and artistic self-fashioning. (Routledge, 2022) ISBN: 9780367335663.

The Venice Arsenal: Between History, Heritage, and Re-use 

This book reviews four decades of debate about restoring an industrial heritage site of inestimable value – the Venice Arsenal. Focusing on the challenges of economic, financial and institutional feasibility, it reveals how failing to address these aspects has undermined potential solutions from both technicians and heritage professionals.

With a deep connection to the city over centuries, the Arsenal was the very basis of La Serenissima’s sea power, enabling its economic expansion. Later, it maintained a vital military function through shipbuilding until World War II. But the slow process of abandonment of the traditional site’s uses and spaces continues to pose questions regarding its preservation and re-use. Drawing on original research from urban planners, architects and historians, the book provides a critical investigation into the organizational and managerial challenges of this unique site, and crucially, why so little has been achieved compared with potential opportunities.

Featuring numerous color photographs and exploring the particular challenges of restoration and re-use facing the Venice Arsenal, this insightful evaluation of the history of this site provides a uniquely informative case for the discipline of industrial heritage. Luca Zan (Routledge, 2022) ISBN: 9781032059617.

Save Venice Inc.: American Philanthropy and Art Conservation in Italy, 1966-2021

In 1966, the most destructive flood in the history of Venice temporarily submerged the city and threatened its extraordinary art and architecture. Among the organizations that mobilized to protect this fragile heritage was Save Venice Inc. Founded in Boston and now headquartered in New York City, this nonprofit has become the largest and most active committee dedicated to preserving the artistic legacy of Venice.

Christopher Carlsmith tells the fascinating story of Save Venice Inc., from its origins to its fiftieth anniversary. It continues to provide an influential model for philanthropy in the cultural sector, raising substantial funds to conserve and restore paintings, sculptures, books, mosaics, and entire buildings at risk from human and environmental impacts. Employing extensive archival research, oral interviews, and newspaper accounts, Save Venice Inc. explores a range of topics, including leadership, conservation projects, fundraising, and educational outreach. Using a range of methodologies from cultural history and art history, Carlsmith traces the achievements and challenges faced by this and other historic preservation organizations and by this unique city on the sea. (University of Massachusetts Press, 2022) ISBN: 9781625346759.

The World of Girolamo Donzellini: A Network of Heterodox Physicians in Sixteenth-Century Venice

Girolamo Donzellini was born in 1513. He was a religious dissenter, a physician, and a bibliophile involved in the Medical Republic of Letters. He was put to death by the Venetian Inquisition in 1587, after being tried five times in his lifetime. 

Extending beyond an individual case study to a granular and probing account of the many connections between Venetian physicians and heterodox religious movements in the wake of the Protestant Reformation, this innovative monograph reveals the heretical networks of physicians in sixteenth-century Venice. In addition to Donzellini himself, the web of actors includes printers, scholars, women, and alchemists who were all committed to fighting against religious dogma and violence in a time and place when both were the order of the day. Alessandra Celati (Routledge, 2022) ISBN: 9781032112046.

Vittore Carpaccio: Master Storyteller of Renaissance Venice

Meticulously researched and luxuriously illustrated, this volume offers a comprehensive view of Vittore Carpaccio (c. 1460/1466–1525/1526), whose work has been admired for centuries for its fantastical settings enriched with contemporary incident and detail. Capturing the sanctity and splendor of Venice at the turn of the sixteenth century, when the city controlled a vast maritime empire, Carpaccio combined careful observation of the urban environment with a taste for the poetic in his beloved narrative cycles and altarpieces.

Providing a new lens through which to understand Carpaccio’s work, a team of distinguished scholars explores various aspects of his art, including his achievement as a draftsman. In addition to emphasizing the artist’s innovative techniques and contributions to the development of Venetian Renaissance painting, this study includes an in-depth consideration of the fluctuations in the reception of Carpaccio’s work in the five hundred years since the artist’s death. Peter Humfrey (Yale University Press, 2022) ISBN: 9780300254471.